First male batch with 8 SHIKSHA+ learners has been formed in village Maheshpur of Gram Panchayat Kaima. It was an achievement for the field team to convince male members to attend the classes as it involved numerous challenges. The foremost challenge for them was to overcome the apprehension of being stigmatised.
The other noteworthy challenge for them, was to manage time to be engaged in the programme since they are primarily engaged in agricultural activities.
A counselling session was conducted by the field team before registration in order to enable the aspirants to make an informed choice. Significance of education was communicated with them during number of community mobilization visits and the same was reiterated during the counselling sessions. The aforesaid enabled the team to incentivise eligible learners to enrol themselves in the centres.
After their successful enrolment the time of class was decided. The prospective learners shared that it would be difficult for them to attend a class after performing exhausting agricultural activity throughout the day. In response to the aforesaid, the respective instructors suggested that the classes could be conducted early in the morning. However, the suggestion was deemed infeasible since the learners start their agricultural activities in the morning. After the concerned instructor and field team interacted with the learners a conclusion to attend the class during the lunch hour was arrived at. Currently, the centre is in session during the lunch hours, however this group needs regular motivation and attention. From their past experience, team has learnt that the quality of candidates mobilized has a significant impact on the degree of retention during training.
Expansion of SHIKSHA Initiative in New Blocks of Sitapur
During October 2017, SHIKSHA Initiative expanded its operation to 5 blocks of Sitapur district, i.e. Biswan, Khairabad, Gondlamau, Sidhauli and Machhrehta. To initiate the process following activities were conducted:
– A meeting was held with the Hon’ble District Magistrate (DM) in order to formalise the approval for project expansion into 5 new blocks. The respected Chief Development Officer (CDO) communicated the formal approval to the officials and schools of these blocks on the behalf of the Hon’ble District Magistrate.
– Secondly, a list of schools in the range of 5Km with Kasmanda block with power supply, was provided by the respective Block Education Officer (BEO).
– Thereafter, a survey was conducted by the field team in order to discern the viability of successful ICT integration with the classrooms of the schools listed out by the BEO. A total of, 77 schools were surveyed in 5 blocks.
– In Khairabad block, an introductory meeting was held in the presence of the respective BEO and Block Development Officer (BDO), wherein the vision and mission of the SHIKSHA Initiative was clarified. They were familiarized with the prerequisites to the setting up of ICT integrated smart class. The meeting was led by Field Supervisor (FS) Zeeshan Ali and IT Support Engineer (ITSE) Chandan Kumar.
Chris Garrett’s Visit to Centre of Excellence
On 24th of August, 2017, SHIKSHA Initiative was privileged to facilitate a familiarisation tour in an effort to introduce Chris Garrett to various facets of SHIKSHA Initiative. Chris is one of the esteemed board members of Better World Ed (formerly reweave). The mission of Better World Ed is to overcome world’s big challenges by disseminating empathy among youths. During his visit to Bhagat Convent School, he was informed about the technology that SHIKSHA Initiative uses in the ICT integrated class rooms. He had the opportunity to spectate live teacher-student transaction in the ICT integrated class room. Subsequently, he was provided a panoptic overview of various operating procedures. He was apprised about the impact-measurement of SHIKSHA Initiative along the lines of various aspects Viz. Literacy level, content retention, attendance rate. The ways in which teachers are constantly supported and engaged were explained at Primary School Sarai Dula. Subsequently, Chris was informed about the parameters on which assessments are developed by SHIKSHA Initiative. Later, he visited one of the SHIKSHA+ centres at village Chhaulas, and witnessed an adult literacy session. After completion of the field visit, he experienced an attributes enhancement training of newly recruited SHIKSHA+ field instructors. During the visit Chris learned about the impact of social change brought about by SHIKSHA Initiative through the prism of its employees. He has expressed his interest in collaborating with SHIKSHA Initiative
Training of Teachers
Training and capacity building are an integral part of the effective implementation of SHIKSHA. It is mandatory for all teachers to undergo training in use of ICT and pedagogy during the pre-service training courses. It is imperative to build teacher competencies in ICT use, ICT assisted teaching learning processes, including curriculum analysis, selection, use of products and digital content to enrich teaching learning processes and evaluation of such content. In essence, the implementation and effective use of ICT require committed and capable teachers to bring out the potentials of such systems, be it technical or pedagogical competencies. Thus, teachers are expected to upgrade their knowledge and acquire new skills of pedagogy to take full advantage of the potential of technology to enhance the learning process. Also, teachers are provided system of support at various levels i.e. school, block, district, and central – for integrating technology as they struggle with new and unfamiliar approaches to teaching and tools for learning. Further, real-time technical support is provided in resolving problems related to hardware, software, and networks; problems that can often interfere with or completely derail the learning of both teachers and students.
Details of training and duration are as follows:
Induction Training: As soon as the intervention begin in any of the location, induction training in ICT is provided to all teachers for a period of 3 days. The objective of induction training is to develop their knowledge about the skills and practices involved in ICT based education.
Refresher Training: Refresher training is provided to all teachers every quarter for a minimum period of 2 days (depending on the need). Prior to refresher training, needs assessment is done on the basis of which grid is developed. The objective of refresher training is to enable teachers to share, learn and keep abreast of the latest trends and any other advancements in ICT based teaching learning processes. It also gives them the platform to meet other teachers and discuss the challenges and share best practices with each other.
Launch of SHIKSHA+ in Kasmanda
SHIKSHA Initiative has strategically intensified into adult literacy approach entitled as SHIKSHA+ that uses an ICT based methodology to teach the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic skills to illiterate adults who have not attended a formal school. With this objective, SHIKSHA+ was initiated in Kasmanda block of Sitapur district. Prior to it’s implementation, social mapping was done to encourage and help community to get directly involved in their development and to identify centre locations. Furthermore, focused group discussions were held with an objective to sensitize community on adult literacy. In total, 749 household surveys were done in 10 villages and 1070 adult learners were identified. Post identification of learners, pre-test was conducted of 103 learners to select and enroll candidates as per the eligibility criteria. Criteria like age, pre-test scores were considered while enrolling learners in the batch. Thus, 100 learners were enrolled in Batch 1 in 10 SHIKSHA+ centres who will undergo training for 90 days. Further, to ensure effective implementation of SHIKSHA+, 8 instructors have been recruited and trained with an intent to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to impart learning.
Roshni Nadar’s Visit to SHIKSHA Enabled Schools of Kasmanda
Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Trustee, Shiv Nadar Foundation, visited SHIKSHA enabled schools on March 1, 2017 in Kasmanda block of Sitapur district. The agenda of the visit was twofold i.e. to understand the current scenario, progress and implementation of the project and also to meet parents and SMC (School Management Committee) members. During the visit, she observed that learners were engaged with digital content and persistently involved in the learning process. Also, with technology and sound pedagogy of the content they were taking full interest and were also responding actively in the class. She emphasized that technology enabled learning has become an essential element in the area of education and can contribute to universal access to education.
Also, teachers shared that fostering digital literacy in the classroom help children to diversify the experience and knowledge to make learning more relevant and purposeful. She acclaimed the teachers for their understanding and acquaintance with the digital content in no time and appreciated teacher’s reception towards the content and the lesson plans provided by SHIKSHA.
Further, parents shared that they have seen positive change in the behavior of the children and they are extremely happy about it.
Lastly, interacting with the SHIKSHA team, she congratulated and appreciated the efforts of the team and said that in a short span, team has shown the tremendous growth and progress in the schools of Kasmanda.
Literacy for All in Kasmanda, Sitapur
SHIKSHA works with the vision to eradicate illiteracy from India by creating a lifelong learners and enhancing the learning process utilizing a technology-enabled learning program. With this objective, SHIKSHA, after an in-depth research and survey of Government Primary Schools launched its intervention in Kasmanda block of Sitapur district. The 1st Phase of equipment installation in schools was done on November 8, 2016 and the event was inaugurated by Mr. Sundararajan Mahalingam, Chief Strategy Officer, Shiv Nadar Foundation, with an aim to extend it to 145 government schools and selected Private schools.
After the phase 1 of equipment installation in schools, the first round of intensive training was imparted to 35 teachers on pedagogical approaches and use of ICT methodology for teaching and learning in classrooms. The training was inaugurated by Mr. Amrit Tripathi, District Magistrate, Sitapur, on November 22, 2016. Mr. Rajendra Singh, Basic Shiksha Adhikari, Mr. Pramod Kumar Patel, Block Education Officer, and Ms. Pravina Shukla, Block Development Officer were also present during the event.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Amrit Tripathi, District Magistrate, Sitapur addressed the need for action to eradicate illiteracy from Kasmanda and demonstrate it as a model block for other parts of the country. He also remarked, this is a great opportunity for teachers to showcase their capability and make best use of technological resources to generate a new dimension in the field of teaching learning process. Further, he focused on the concept of monitoring and evaluation and suggested SHIKSHA team to track weekly progress report of all the schools to ensure effective implementation of the programme. Also, he was extremely positive of the lesson plan developed by SHIKSHA and suggested Basic Shiksha Adhikari to consider implementing the plan in entire Sitapur in next phase.
The intervention is expected to impact over 11,000 students of Grade 1 and 2 in government and private schools of Kasmanda by enabling access to innovative high engagement teaching mechanism. The overarching goal is to ensure that children in the region are gradually weaned away from illiteracy and mainstreamed into quality education through ICT intervention. This work contributes to the Government of India’s Right to Education by creating a model that can be replicated by the government machinery at mass scale. The project will work closely with the School Education Department and with the support of District Administration at all stages, starting with selection and approvals to work in the schools. The project will also seek to link the families of the children to sensitize them and enhance awareness of the ICT based education.
During the three days training, teachers took an active role bringing their own knowledge, experiences and expertise to share and learn. They were encouraged to discuss on ICT tools and curriculum developed by SHIKSHA. In the practical session, teachers gained knowledge about modern and pragmatic methods and techniques of teaching. All the teachers unanimously agreed that this approach will enhance classroom environment and boost learning effectiveness and retention among children. Thus, all present gained a great deal of insight into the process, outcome and what needs to be done to be more efficient in their roles.
Gautam Buddha Nagar Team
Anuj Kumar
Field Officer
Arbind Kumar Prajapati
Field Officer
Ashish Kumar
Field Officer
Chandrika Prasad
Field Officer
Deepak Kumar
Field Officer
Manish Sharma
Field Officer
Reetu Rana
Field Officer
Robins Yadav
Field Officer
Sufia Parveen
Field Officer
Anju Yadav
Field Officer
Bhawana Sharma
Field Officer
Field Officer
Monu Sehrawat
Field Officer
Prince Kumar Dubey
Field Officer
Rakhi Yadav
Field Officer
Reena Kumari
Field Officer
Sanjay Kumar
Field Officer
Field Officer
Sunil Kumar
Field Officer
Bulandshahar Team
Sunil Kumar Prajapati
Field Officer
Arvind Kumar
Field Officer
Brijesh Upraity
Field Officer
Daya Shankar Prajapati
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Mahesh Chandra Singh
Field Officer
Manoj Kumar Nishad
Field Officer
Arun Kumar Pal
Field Officer
Divesh Pratap Singh
Field Officer
Awadhesh Kumar Yadav
Field Officer
Field Officer
Beby Saraswati Sharma
Field Officer
Field Officer
Neelima Pushpjivi
Field Officer
Parvind Kumar Chauhan
Field Officer
Ramlakhan Shukla
Field Officer
Sahe bLal Mali
Field Officer
Samod Kumar Sharma
Field Officer
Sandeep Kumar Sharma
Field Officer
Mirzapur District Team
Dheeraj Singh
Resource Coordinator
Bipin Kumar Shukla
Field Supervisor
Kamlesh Kumar Maurya
Field Supervisor
Siddharth Chauhan
Field Supervisor
Chandan Kumar
IT Support Engineer
Kartikey Pandey
IT Support Engineer
Mirza Shiran Beg
IT Support Engineer