SHIKSHA Initiative invited to Teacher’s Conference and District Agriculture and Industry exhibition March, 2023
The impact of SHIKSHA Initiative’s work in education is profound. As of today, SHIKSHA Initiative
stands tall as one of the key changemakers in the domain of education in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Owing to this reputation, SHIKSHA Initiative was invited to a Teacher’s Conference and District
Agriculture and Industry exhibition held in Bulandshahr on 27th March 2023. The event was graced
by the presence of Shri Kuldeep Meena, Chief Development Officer, Bulandshahr and Mr Lalitendra
Bhartiya, Senior Project Manager, SHIKSHA Initiative was invited to be a distinguished guest in the
Mr Bhartiya highlighted the impact of SHIKSHA Initiative in the field and how all the programs are
working towards the common goal of literacy for an empowered and inclusive society. The work
done by SHIKSHA Initiative was wholeheartedly appreciated and applauded at the event. Shailendra
Yadav, Kalim Ullah Shah, Sunil and Mahesh from SHIKSHA Initiative were also present.