Expansion of SHIKSHA Initiative in New Blocks of Sitapur
During October 2017, SHIKSHA Initiative expanded its operation to 5 blocks of Sitapur district, i.e. Biswan, Khairabad, Gondlamau, Sidhauli and Machhrehta. To initiate the process following activities were conducted:
– A meeting was held with the Hon’ble District Magistrate (DM) in order to formalise the approval for project expansion into 5 new blocks. The respected Chief Development Officer (CDO) communicated the formal approval to the officials and schools of these blocks on the behalf of the Hon’ble District Magistrate.
– Secondly, a list of schools in the range of 5Km with Kasmanda block with power supply, was provided by the respective Block Education Officer (BEO).
– Thereafter, a survey was conducted by the field team in order to discern the viability of successful ICT integration with the classrooms of the schools listed out by the BEO. A total of, 77 schools were surveyed in 5 blocks.
– In Khairabad block, an introductory meeting was held in the presence of the respective BEO and Block Development Officer (BDO), wherein the vision and mission of the SHIKSHA Initiative was clarified. They were familiarized with the prerequisites to the setting up of ICT integrated smart class. The meeting was led by Field Supervisor (FS) Zeeshan Ali and IT Support Engineer (ITSE) Chandan Kumar.