School Mentor (Samriddhi and Elementary)
Job Description: School Mentor
1. Teach students as per intervention designed for students and teachers
a. To adopt Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and integrate in the traditional teaching and learning process in primary classes.
b. Support in digital content development by bringing field level feedback and experiences to storyboards and animations.
c. Creation and execution of Teaching Learning Materials and classroom activities.
2. Conduct the assessments timely for the students and score the responses based on guidelines.
3. Motivate/counsel parents for students whom they are teaching/interacting towards continuing education.
4. Based on deliveries/testing/pilot of new interventions/suggestion share feedbacks – in structured and unstructured manner.
5. Share needs/village/community related information to shape/realign programs along with innovative Ideas to increase/improve impact.
6. Recording and maintaining records (data) of student related data in MS Excel sheets/ format/application.
a. analysis of marks and attendance for individual students at school.
7. Participate in weekly meeting/reviews for effective planning and monitoring.
1. Community Mobilization/awareness program to sensitize community on education related areas.
2. To train new members of the team and government teachers at school level.
3. Maintain the records of student attendance data, enrolment information/ creating student database and record the success stories.
4. Share about other agencies intervention at school level /block level
Visit other schools for testing/piloting at COE level.
5. Conducting house hold survey at village level [as per organisation needs].
Qualification: –
1. Graduation with B.Ed./B.T.C./D.L.Ed. or post-graduation.
2. Preferred candidate would have 2 years teaching experience.
3. Candidate should have basic computer knowledge.
Reporting Manager: Project Manager, SHIKSHA CoE (or unless and until stated otherwise)
Base Location: SHIKSHA CoE headquarter
Terms and conditions of employment:
As mentioned in your employment contract and shall be liable to change as per the discretion of the organisation.