Sandhya’s Journey from SHIKSHA Ki GOONJ to SHIKSHA KIRAN
Sandhya is a Grade 2 student of Mahakhari Primary School who was very actively involved in SHIKSHA KI GOONJ and is currently enrolled in SHIKSHA KIRAN program of SHIIKSHA Initiative. She has been very enthusiastic since the beginning of SHIKSHA Ki GOONJ, participated in all the activities and games that were a part of the program and encourage her peers to learn more.
Sandhya has been a very good student since the beginning, says her father. She brought her father during SHIKSHA Ki GOONJ classes and he was estatic to see his daughter have fun and learn at the same time. SHIKSHA Kiran focusses on learning in a playful way to encourage participation and engagement.
She has been an inspiration to other children and parents alike, who are hesitant to send their wards to attend the classes.
At the end of the day, Sandhya says to her teacher – “I learn something new everyday and I cannot wait to go back home and tell my parents about it. I will wait for SHIKSHA Kiran van to visit again”