Eradication of Illiteracy
The literacy percentage in India still hovers around the mid 70s mark. Moreover, this does not take into account functional literacy, which would have a lower score. Since literacy percentage is a generally accepted benchmark for a developing nation for its social and economic progress, we aim to improve literacy rates in India.
With a goal of eradicating illiteracy from India in ten years, we at SHIKSHA Initiative, provide ICT intervention in primary schools (currently all in selected district of UP) for an effective learning.
Substantial efforts by the Central and State Governments under certain schemes to improve primary education in India has already led to increased enrolment levels in schools. However enrolment levels of marginalized groups remain much lower. Moreover, number of children dropping out is alarming, and again quite high for children from marginalized communities. We aim to not only reduce the dropout rates drastically, but also create a more conducive and effective learning environment, motivate the teachers, engage the students better in the learning process and create lifelong learners.
This is done through various steps:
Providing schools with Class Management System: IT infrastructure for playing digital content. (Laptop with digital content aligned to the curriculum, projector, batteries and required accessories) Training the teachers on IT as well as in pedagogy for an effective content delivery (Comprehensive as well as refresher trainings) Equipping teachers with teaching plans for the entire session Regular assessment of the students (after each unit) Weekly monitoring of the pedagogy through field supervisors and infrastructure through IT-Engineers to minimalize hiccups in content delivery Regular analysis of assessment scores and Augmentation done wherever required to reach a goal of 90% students retaining 90% of the content.