Training of Teachers
Training and capacity building are an integral part of the effective implementation of SHIKSHA. It is mandatory for all teachers to undergo training in use of ICT and pedagogy during the pre-service training courses. It is imperative to build teacher competencies in ICT use, ICT assisted teaching learning processes, including curriculum analysis, selection, use of products and digital content to enrich teaching learning processes and evaluation of such content. In essence, the implementation and effective use of ICT require committed and capable teachers to bring out the potentials of such systems, be it technical or pedagogical competencies. Thus, teachers are expected to upgrade their knowledge and acquire new skills of pedagogy to take full advantage of the potential of technology to enhance the learning process. Also, teachers are provided system of support at various levels i.e. school, block, district, and central – for integrating technology as they struggle with new and unfamiliar approaches to teaching and tools for learning. Further, real-time technical support is provided in resolving problems related to hardware, software, and networks; problems that can often interfere with or completely derail the learning of both teachers and students.
Details of training and duration are as follows:
Induction Training: As soon as the intervention begin in any of the location, induction training in ICT is provided to all teachers for a period of 3 days. The objective of induction training is to develop their knowledge about the skills and practices involved in ICT based education.
Refresher Training: Refresher training is provided to all teachers every quarter for a minimum period of 2 days (depending on the need). Prior to refresher training, needs assessment is done on the basis of which grid is developed. The objective of refresher training is to enable teachers to share, learn and keep abreast of the latest trends and any other advancements in ICT based teaching learning processes. It also gives them the platform to meet other teachers and discuss the challenges and share best practices with each other.